Bug List

Bug List 
1. Why is their always backed up traffic on i95 during rush hour?
-       Because there is a general time when people start and end work and when everyone gets off at the same time, traffic increases, leading to backups.
2. Why does my laptop die so quickly?
-       Apples brand is thin and sleek over bulky and functional. With a smaller form factor, the battery has less space, reducing battery life.
3. Why do my headphones constantly fall out of my ear when I work out?
-       The sweat from my ear creates a slipperiness, combined with the motion of working out, makes it easier for them to slip out.  
4. Why do people in trucks always act aggressive on the road?
-       The personality of a person who drives a truck is generally one who feels they need to dominate every situation.
5. Why do they lock the gates in my community at night so I can’t walk straight through the pool area to the gym?
-       College kids are notorious for drinking beer, and the community does not want them to smash beer bottles into the pool or community area.
6. Why is there a random speed bump in the driveway of my complex?
-       The community does not want college kids speeding in or out of the community.
7. Why do my roommates leave food and dirty dishes out on the table or in the sink?
-       The level of importance to having a clean apartment versus their time is not high enough for them to spend the time cleaning up their mess.
8. Why do some people who drive in the left lane of i95 go slow?
-       On i95 the left lane is also a carpool lane, those people who might generally be in the right lane, switch over to the left lane maintain their slow speed.
9. Why does Tesla’s stock price keep rallying on news about the Model 3, even though it still hasn’t come out yet and all of their initial car launches have had some big problem?
-       Investors believe in Elon Musk & Tesla. They think eventually the Model 3 will dominate the car market.  
10. Why do drivers constantly leave their turn signal on, even though they’re not switching lanes?
-       Many drivers are oblivious and don’t realize they have it on.
11. Why do people say they are going to hang out, then change their mind at the last moment?
-       Millennials can never committee, due to fear of missing out on something better.
12. Why do people try and act like they are experts in a subject, even when they know nothing about it?
-       People like to feel important and intelligent.
13. Why at Walmart, do none of the carts work?
-       Over time with heavy abuse the wheels break and Walmart does not spend the money to replace them.
14. Why at all self-check-out lines, when you bag vegetables the scale doesn’t detect them?
-       Self-check-out is still a new technology and still has many bugs.
15. Why can’t I watch my lectures at Panera?
-       The bandwidth is to limited to handle live streaming along with all the other tasks from other customers.
16. Why can’t I focus on a single task, instead of having three things going on in the background?
-       Growing up with the internet, it has conditioned me to have different stimulants going on in the background, making it now second nature to have two or three different stimulants going on at once.
17. Why do people slam weights down at the gym?
-       They put on too much weight and after a certain amount of reps their muscle can’t lift it.
18. Why do they make it so hard to get scissors out of the packaging?
-       The design was the best that they could come up with that can protect the item, while also advertising it and not taking up a lot of shelf space.
19. Why do you have to enter your credit card information to get the free trial?
-       Companies know people will forget to cancel their subscription, so it’s another way to get money.
20. Why is it not acceptable to hit someone for being rude?
-       If a society is violent, eventually it will lead to anarchy.

The first two came seamlessly, however those bugs are general complaints everyone has. After the first couple it became a little challenging, trying to recall things that the mind forgot. With bugs, you notice it as you see, however once it’s out of sight, it’s out of your mind. Once I got to about five, then it became easy. One bug would trigger another memory creating a domino effect. Eventually I ran out of steam around bug eighteen. Then it became a starring contest with me and my screen. It was interesting trying to remember bugs, you don’t realize how many you have until you have to start listing them out.  


  1. As I was reading your bugs it definitely seemed that you had a much easier time with this assignment than I did. I really connect with the bug of truck drivers being aggressive. I used to drive a small truck and never felt as though I owned the road. Now I drive a mustang and in Tampa we have a large number of large trucks and it is very common for those trucks to drive aggressively. I also connect with your views on why people act like they are experts on subjects although they are not. I know a lot of things about a lot of subjects. I also know very little about a lot of subjects and what is most important is to know what subjects fall in which category.

  2. Almost every time I go to the gym, I'll continuously hear someone slam down their weights after they finish using them. If it only happens a handful of times I won't mind but if it happens every time they use the weights then it starts to annoy me because the clanking sound can start to hurt my ears. I had a similar experience with my bug list getting easier after the first few bugs. The domino analogy was a great way to describe how it was for me too.


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