27A – Reading Reflection No. 3
27A – Reading Reflection No. 3
1. The most surprising thing I found out was how Steve Jobs
picked the name, Apple. I assumed he picked the name because it is his favorite
fruit. Apparently he picked it because one day after coming home from an apple
farm, Steve Wozniak and him were bouncing ideas off each other and Jobs thought
an apple was fun, spirited and not intimidating. To me the name is still
puzzling, but it’s different. Which in essence describes Apple perfectly.
2. The quality that I liked most about Steve Jobs was also the
trait that I disliked the most. He had unrelenting confidence in himself and
what he designed. Whatever he said was the final answer. He is very similar to
Elon Musk in that they both set extraordinary high standards and demand the
best from their employees. He micromanages in order to make sure everything is
perfect and has been able to build incredible technology with minimal resources
in a short period of time.
However, his narcissistic attitude could have cost him if it
was not for Art Levinson. Initially Steve Jobs did not want third party apps
because, “He didn't want outsiders to create applications for the iPhone that
could mess it up, infect it with viruses, or pollute its integrity.” If Levinson
did not push so hard to get apps on the iPhone, the iPhone would not have been
nearly as successful and Apple wouldn’t be as dominate as it is today.
Many times he encountered failure. As a child he was put up
for adoption. He has been kicked off as CEO from his own company. He even had to have his biggest competitor
revive his company in order to stay afloat. Each time he gets up and is
stronger than ever.
Steve Jobs had an eye for detail and perfection. However,
the main thing I took away was how persuasive he was. He had an act to persuade
entire conference halls to cheer for each new product. Turning every product
from a gimmick to a must have. He was also able to motivate and persuade all of
his employees into doing the impossible. Setting unachievable goals and
deadlines. Very similar to what Elon Musk does.
3. The most confusing part was how Steve Jobs knew the
solutions to many different products and could come up with revolutionary
ideas. Because Steve Wozniak was the brains of Apple initially. He essentially
created Apple 1, Lisa and most of Apple 2. Jobs was mainly the marketer. It astounds
me that once Wozniak left, the business grew so well.
4. Did you know you would be successful as a child? I would want
to know if he knew one day he would create the largest publicly traded company
in the world. I wonder if he had this vision for Apple since he was a kid. Also
I would ask how important he though college was? He’s known for dropping out of
college, but I wonder if he still believes college is right for most.
5. Steve Jobs found his passion, he got to develop new
technology every day. When a job is your passion, then you don’t have to work. I
don’t believe Steve thought he was doing hard work, but putting in a certain
amount of time and energy to get to his final goal. I also believe that hard
work is only prevalent when what you are doing is work. Finding your true
passion means you never have to work a day in your life.
Like you, I also assumed the company was named Apple because they were his favorite. The question you asked about college was interesting, I wonder what him and other successful college drop outs would have to say about the necessity of college. Its amazing what he was able to do with apple products through marketing. Even if the products aren't as advanced as their competitors, they still have such a large demand.